Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jim Gaffigan- Christmas and Easter

This is a video in response to the George Carlin video Jacklyn posted. She mentions that Carlin touches on a lot of facets of religion that do not make much sense, but Carlin left out berating the commercial aspects of religion. Here is a Jim Gaffigan video that does just that. The first two minutes are the important ones, when he discusses the traditions of Christmas and Easter, however, he makes good points about other holidays that started as religious celebrations but have incredibly limited connection to them anymore.
For example, the history of Halloween dates back to Celtic festivals. As states the "Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth." This has nothing to do with candy, yet, modern day Halloween traditions remain. Enjoy, Jim Gaffigan is hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. great response to the Carlin video.. I had never heard of this guy..
